つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


皆既月食/Total Lunar Eclipse




You may have heard on the news, but the total lunar eclipse can be seen on the night of January 31st (Wednesday). The moon of the day is "Blue Moon", which means that it is the second full moon of the month. (The actual moon color will be red copper, not blue.)


英語で “Once in a blue moon” というと「珍しい」という意味ですが、ブルームーン皆既月食となるのは35年ぶりだそうですよ!!!(出典:つるちゃんのプラネタリウム

In English "Once in a blue moon" means "very rare", and a blue moon becoming the total lunar eclipse is for the first time in 35 years in Japan! ! ! (Source in Japanese: Tsuru's planetarium)



Once your child/children learn about the eclipse then watch it, the experience will be unforgettable!



Let’s make surethat we keep ourselves warm and enjoy watching the beautiful night sky!




【特集】2018年1月31日 皆既月食 - アストロアーツ



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