つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


つくばメディカル塾/A hands-on lecture for future medical staff


Source: http://www.tmch.or.jp/hosp/info/


1月25日(木)18:30~20:00に、つくば総合インフォメーションセンターで「看護の仕事 やってみよう!-点滴を受ける人の看護-」が開催されます。



A hands-on lecture "Let’s try a nurse’s job –how to nurse a patient who is put on I.V." will be held on January 25 for middle school students and above at Tsukuba Tourist Information Center.

If your child/children are interested in medical field and understand Japanese, this is a great opportunity!

The application (in Japanese) deadline is January 10, so hurry!

(If more than 30 people apply, the participants will be decided by lot.)



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