つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


フラワーギフトBOX/Flower Gift Box




I introduced the event at Tsukuba Aeon yesterday, but Iisa is holding an event on the same day, on February 10th, this Saturday called 【Weekend Workshop: Let's make a flower gift box and give it to someone special】


  • 開催時間(オープンより各回の受付をいたします)



  • 対象:小学生までのお子さまとその保護者の方
  • 定員:各回先着25組 計100組様
  • 参加方法:参加には1,000円(税込・合算可)以上の当日お買上げレシートをご提示ください。ご兄妹姉妹がいらっしゃる場合は、ご一緒に参加できます。


  • Time: (Start accepting reservations for every session when Iias opens.)



  • Intended participants:Elementary school students or younger children and their guardians
  • Maximum number of participants: 25 pairs for each session
  • How to join: Bring a purchase receipt on the day that is over 1,000 yen shopping. (Siblings can participate together.)



I wonder if it is difficult to participate both Aeon and Iias events.


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