つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


つくばScience Edge/Tsukuba Science Edge



3月23(金)、24(土)の2日間、「中高生国際科学アイディアコンテスト つくばScience Edge」がつくば国際会議場で開催されます。

On March 23rd (Fri.) and 24th (Sat.), “International Science Idea Contest of Middle and High-School Students: Tsukuba Science Edge” will be held at Tsukuba International Congress Center.



Entry for the contest is already closed, but the workshop coinciding with the contest is still open till the 12th.



There are 8 different workshops such as nuclear science and marine biology. There is one workshop that is conducted in English. The title is “Origins of Life: Chemical Evolution Studies and Advanced Nanotechnology”, and held from 14:15 to 15:05 on the 24th.



If you want to know the details, you can send them email to the address on the bottom of this page.




Thank you for visiting my blog!


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