つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


花火大会に行きたいんだけど/I’d like to go to fireworks festival, but…




From 16:00 on March 17th (Sat.), Tsukuba Science Café “Information on rain and thunder ~ I’d like to fireworks festival, but…~” will be held in the restaurant Espoir at Tsukuba International Congress Center.



It consists of 30 min. lecture on weather such as guerilla rainstorm, 60 min. behavioral simulation workshop considering weather information, and 15 min. question-and-answer session.



In the group workshop, an actual case of the fireworks festival cancellation in Setagaya last summer will be virtually demonstrated.



It is for middle school students and above, and it will cost 500 yen, but they serve tea and desert!



You can register by email or fax.

Send them the following information to the email address or fax number on the flier.

  1. Participant(s) name(s)
  2. Contact phone number on the day
  3. If you are an adult or student (if you are a student, write your grade.)
  4. How you found out about this event.



Thank you for visiting my blog!


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