つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


社会脳/Social Brain


Abstractベクター画像Harryarts - Freepik.comによるデザイン



This is an event I have been wondering if I should introduce it or not since it looked difficult.



I had no idea what “social brain” is, so I read a book called “Social brains”. It is a bit difficult, but interesting, so decided to introduce the event.


明日9時から、社会脳:社会神経回路網研究ユニット キックオフシンポジウムつくば国際会議場で開催されます。

Tomorrow from 9:00, "The Social Brain: Social Neural Networks Research Unit - Kickoff Symposium" will be held at Tsukuba International Congress Center.



Participation is free of charge, and you do not need to registrar in advance. If you are interested, this is a good opportunity to listen to the top researchers!


The book I read is written in Japanese, but if you are interested in the subject, this book might be useful.




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