つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


アカペラライブ/A cappella live



つくばカピオにて、今度の土曜24日の18:00から筑波大学アカペラサークルDoo-Wopによるライブ~signal ~が開催されます。

From 18:00 on this Saturday, the 24th, a cappella live “~signal~” by the a cappella club of the University of Tsukuba will be held at Tsukuba Capio.



Since the ending time of the show is 20:30, it might be difficult for small children to attend, but middle school students can stay up this late, I think. (Also, it’s on Friday!)



Selected 6 groups by audition will be on stage. Even though the admission fee is free, we can expect a great show with wonderful singing voices!




Thank you for visiting my blog!

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