つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


東大理系女とランチ/Lunch with female math students of U. Tokyo




Today’s info is not about an event in Tsukuba, but good news for middle and high school girls who like mathematics!



On March 11, Sunday, "Charm of Mathematics" will be held on the University of Tokyo Komaba campus.


東大数学科の現役女子学生や女性教員とのランチ交流会の後、「数学を通してみる世界 ―原子から宇宙まで―」、「数学と音楽の織りなす世界」、「いろいろな次元の球―次元が変わるとなにかが変わる―」の3つの講演が行われます。(個人的に、2番目の講演者・中島さち子さんの肩書き「東京大学大学院数理科学研究科特任研究員&ジャズピアニスト・作曲家」がかっこいい!と思いました。)

After having a talk over lunch with female students and teachers of the University of Tokyo Mathematics Department, there will be three lectures. "The world seen through mathematics –from atoms to the universe–", "The world that mathematics and music weave together", and "Spheres of various dimensions –when dimension changes, something changes–. (Personally, I thought the second speaker, Ms. Sachiko Nakajima's job titles "Project Researcher of Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo & Jazz Pianist · Composer" is cool!)



Registration is a first-come-first-served basis, so if your daughter is interested in math and understands Japanese, please apply as soon as possible!




Thank you for visiting my blog!


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