つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


無意識の偏見/Unconscious bias




You may have heard a phrase "STEM" or "STEAM education by news reports etc.


私のIDは「Tsukuba Steams」です。このIDにしたのは、つくばの科学(Science)、技術(Technology)、工学(Engineering)、芸術(Art)、数学(Mathematics)、運動(Sports)の情報をお伝えしたかったのはもちろんのこと、「つくばは【湯気が出る】ようなホットな街です!」という意味を込めたかったからです。(「Tsukuba Steams」は英語としてちょっと変かもしれませんが、湯気が出るほどすごく熱い事を “steaming hot” といいます。)

My ID is "Tsukuba Steams". I chose it because not only I want to deliver information on Tsukuba's Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics and Sports, but also include a meaning that Tsukuba is a steaming hot city! ("Tsukuba Steams" may be slightly strange as English, but I like it!)



By the way, a seminar on STEM feild will be held hosted by the U.S. Embassy on February 13th (Tue.).



Unconscious bias and women’s participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) field



Dr. Marcy N. Wilder, a senior researcher at Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences in our city Tsukuba, will be the panelist.



Since it is on weekday evening, it may be difficult to participate. But if you can manage, here is the link for application.



Even if you can’t go there, you can watch the seminar on YouTube live distribution!

U.S. Embassy Tokyo Live/アメリカ大使館・スピーカープログラム 【ライブ中継】 - YouTube


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