つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


子どもアートラウンジ/Children’s Guide to Art Appreciation




For G3-5 students, "Children's Art Lounge by University of Tsukuba" will be held from 13:00 on Saturday, February 24 at Tsukuba Museum of Art.



The application deadline is this Sunday, February 4th.



  • Fax:029-853-2821
  • メール:naoe [a] geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp ([a]を@に変えて下さい)
  • 郵送:〒305-8574 つくば市天王台1-1-1 筑波大学芸術系教授 直江俊雄 先生
  1. お名前(よみがな)
  2. 学校名
  3. 学年
  4. 性別
  5. ご住所(郵便番号)
  6. 電話番号

How to apply:Send the following information by fax, email, or postal mail.

  1. Your name (How to read it)
  2. Name of a school you attend
  3. Your grade (G3, G4, or G5)
  4. Your gender (Boy/Girl)
  5. Your address (with zip code)
  6. Your phone number
  • Fax:029-853-2821
  • Email:naoe [a] geijutsu.tsukuba.ac.jp (*Please change [a]→@)
  • Postal mail:Professor Toshio Naoe, University of Tsukuba, Art and Design, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-8574



If they have too many applicants, they will choose participants by a lottery.


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