つくば教育情報/Tsukuba Educational Information


障害者サッカー体験教室/Blind and amputee soccer experience




"Blind and amputee soccer experience class" will be held at Tsukuba Wellness Park from 13:00 on Saturday the 27th.



Preregistration is required and the deadline is January 24th, tomorrow. (The flyer says the deadline is 15th, but it has been extended.)


  • 対象: 市内の小学生とその保護者の2人1組
  • 定員: 50組(100人)
  • 参加費: 無料
  • 参加小学生とその保護者の氏名、年齢(学校名・学年)、住所、電話番号を記入し、郵送、FAX、メールでお申込し込みください。詳しくは市ホームページ又はチラシをご覧ください。
  • Intended participants: Pairs of elementary school student in Tsukuba and their guardian
  • Maximum number of participants: 50 pairs (100 people)
  • Fee: Free
  • To apply: Send fax or email with information of the student’s and guardian’s name, age (name of school and school year of the student), address and phone number. Fax number and email address are in the flyer.



It is a great chance to get an experience you can’t easily have, and it would be great for both you and your child!



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